Borderlands 2 Remastered (Incl. Multiplayer) Fr... [BETTER]
Both games in The Handsome Collection feature remastered graphics, and are capable of running at 1080p resolution at 60 frames per second when playing with one or two local players. The games are also capable of local split-screen multiplayer with up to four players, rather than the two-player limit of the previous-generation versions; four-player mode will reduce the frame rate to 30 frames per second.[12][14] On April 3, 2019, a patch was released to add 4K support for PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X.[20]
Borderlands 2 Remastered (Incl. Multiplayer) Fr...
Screencheat began life as an entry to Global Game Jam 2014 responding to the theme 'We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are'. At first, it was to be a co-op exploration of how different species saw the world differently. "There were going to be two different animals, and they had completely different perceptions," McDonnell says, with puzzles built out of the gaps in understanding that created. The problem was that co-op players could see each other's viewpoints, removing the need to communicate about their experiences. Wrestling with this problem led to the realisation that this screen-peeking could be the basis for a game all by itself. You can play the latest, remastered version of Screencheat on Switch. For many developers and players, Nintendo's hybrid handheld, with its detachable Joy-Cons ensuring local multiplayer was available right out of the box, seemed to promise the Second Coming of splitscreen. Sadly, it hasn't proved quite that transformative in practice. 041b061a72