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Daniel Williams
Daniel Williams

Kushtetuta E Kosoves 1974 Pdf 16

Kushtetuta e Kosovës u ratifikua më 9 prill 2008 dhe hyri në fuqi më 15 qershor 2008.[2]Misioni i Kombeve të Bashkuara në Kosovë nuk do të largohet nga Kosova në një të ardhme të afërt, sepse Këshilli i Sigurimit i Kombeve të Bashkuara nuk e ka terminuar misionin e tij. Meqënëse kushtetuta e re nuk do të përforcohet në Enklavat Serbe të Kosovës, hyrja në fuqi e saj në pjesët e dominuara me shqipëtarë dërgon tek një de-facto ndarje e Kosovës.[3]

kushtetuta e kosoves 1974 pdf 16


The Constitution of the Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo was adopted on February 28, 1974, by the Assembly of Kosovo[14] and the Assembly of Yugoslavia, whilst Kosovo was still an autonomous province of Serbia. The federal 1974 Yugoslav Constitution that was adopted a week earlier granted federal units of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to create their own constitutions, making this the first constitution of Kosovo that was integrated into a constitution of the SFR Yugoslavia.[15] It replaced the Kosovo Constitutional Law of 1963,[16][17] granting Kosovo a high degree of constitutional, legislative and judicial autonomy.[18] Per the Constitutions of SFR Yugoslavia from 1974, SAP Kosovo also gained its own Constitution and the highest officials, most notably Presidency and Government.[19]

The constitution stated that all ethnicities of Kosovo should unite under the people's socialist revolution and the Communist party in its lead, against class warfare and further class inequality. The head of the Assembly Ilaz Kurteshi [sr; sq] signed the constitution on 27 February 1974 and it was adopted the same day.[20]

After the speech that Slobodan Milošević gave on 24 April 1987 and on 28 June 1989, the Gazimestan speech in front of a large number of ethnic Serbs at the main celebration marking the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo. Some[who?] think that this speech helped Miloševic consolidate his authority in Serbia.[22] With the rise to power of nationalist movement in Serbia, the limitation of powers for Kosovo begin. In 1989 the Serbian assembly began passing amendments for restricting Kosovo's powers, guaranteed by the 1974 SFRY Constitution. It could propose such amendments but these required acceptance by the Kosovo Assembly before being adopted.





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