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Daniel Williams
Daniel Williams

Goodbye's The Saddest Word Instrumental Free 45 2021

It is truly sad that your wife did not receive palliative care in a timely manner. There is much confusion around the role palliative care can play even while receiving cancer treatment. Education and conversation is sorely needed for both health professionals and the public to break down barriers and demystify palliative care. Check out the PEACE (palliative education through art, communication and engagement) Project coming to Toronto August 2nd for 2 showings. This Canadian Cancer Society funded project is an immersive play based on real narratives from both cancer patients and caregivers about palliative care. Feel free to share the word about this project.

goodbye's the saddest word instrumental free 45

I have said that there are few instances of amember of my race betraying a specific trust.One of the best illustrations of this which Iknow of is in the case of an ex-slave from Virginia Page 15whom I met not long ago in a little town in thestate of Ohio. I found that this man had made acontract with his master, two or three years previousto the Emancipation Proclamation, to the effectthat the slave was to be permitted to buy himself,by paying so much per year for his body; and whilehe was paying for himself, he was to be permittedto labour where and for whom he pleased. Findingthat he could secure better wages in Ohio, he wentthere. When freedom came, he was still in debt tohis master some three hundred dollars. Notwithstandingthat the Emancipation Proclamation freedhim from any obligation to his master, this blackman walked the greater portion of the distance backto where his old master lived in Virginia, and placedthe last dollar, with interest, in his hands. In talkingto me about this, the man told me that heknew that he did not have to pay the debt, butthat he had given his word to his master, and hisword he had never broken. He felt that he couldnot enjoy his freedom till he had fulfilled hispromise.

Finally the war closed, and the day of freedomcame. It was a momentous and eventful day toall upon our plantation. We had been expectingit. Freedom was in the air, and had been formonths. Deserting soldiers returning to theirhomes were to be seen every day. Others whohad been discharged, or whose regiments had beenparoled, were constantly passing near our place.The "grape-vine telegraph" was kept busy nightand day. The news and mutterings of great eventswere swiftly carried from one plantation to another.In the fear of "Yankee" invasions, the silverwareand other valuables were taken from the "bighouse," buried in the woods, and guarded bytrusted slaves. Woe be to any one who wouldhave attempted to disturb the buried treasure.The slaves would give the Yankee soldiers food,drink, clothing - anything but that which had beenspecifically intrusted to their care and honour. Asthe great day drew nearer, there was more singingin the slave quarters than usual. It was bolder,had more ring, and lasted later into the night.Most of the verses of the plantation songs hadsome reference to freedom. True, they had sungthose same verses before, but they had been carefulto explain that the "freedom" in these songsreferred to the next world, and had no connection Page 20with life in this world. Now they gradually threwoff the mask, and were not afraid to let it be knownthat the "freedom" in their songs meant freedomof the body in this world. The night before theeventful day, word was sent to the slave quartersto the effect that something unusual was going totake place at the "big house" the next morning. There was little, if any, sleep that night. All wasexcitement and expectancy. Early the next morningword was sent to all the slaves, old and young,to gather at the house. In company with mymother, brother, and sister, and a large number ofother slaves, I went to the master's house. Allof our master's family were either standing orseated on the veranda of the house, where theycould see what was to take place and hear whatwas said. There was a feeling of deep interest, orperhaps sadness, on their faces, but not bitterness.As I now recall the impression they made upon me,they did not at the moment seem to be sad becauseof the loss of property, but rather because of partingwith those whom they had reared and who werein many ways very close to them. The most distinctthing that I now recall in connection with thescene was that some man who seemed to be astranger (a United States officer, I presume) madea little speech and then read a rather long paper - Page 21the Emancipation Proclamation, I think. Afterthe reading we were told that we were all free, andcould go when and where we pleased. My mother,who was standing by my side, leaned over andkissed her children, while tears of joy ran downher cheeks. She explained to us what it all meant,that this was the day for which she had been solong praying, but fearing that she would neverlive to see.

The effort to secure help from the Slater andPeabody Funds brought me into contact with tworare men - men who have had much to do in shapingthe policy for the education of the Negro. Irefer to the Hon. J. L. M. Curry, of Washington,who is the general agent for these two funds, andMr. Morris K. Jesup, of New York. Dr. Curryis a native of the South, an ex-Confederate soldier,yet I do not believe there is any man in the countrywho is more deeply interested in the highestwelfare of the Negro than Dr. Curry, or one whois more free from race prejudice. He enjoys theunique distinction of possessing to an equal degreethe confidence of the black man and the Southernwhite man. I shall never forget the first time Imet him. It was in Richmond, Va., where he was Page 195then living. I had heard much about him. WhenI first went into his presence, trembling because ofmy youth and inexperience, he took me by thehand so cordially, and spoke such encouragingwords, and gave me such helpful advice regardingthe proper course to pursue, that I came to knowhim then, as I have known him ever since, as ahigh example of one who is constantly and unselfishlyat work for the betterment of humanity.

I am often asked to express myself more freelythan I do upon the political condition and thepolitical future of my race. These recollectionsof my experience in Atlanta give me the opportunityto do so briefly. My own belief is, althoughI have never before said so in so many words, thatthe time will come when the Negro in the Southwill be accorded all the political rights which hisability, character, and material possessions entitlehim to. I think, though, that the opportunity tofreely exercise such political rights will not come inany large degree through outside or artificial forcing,but will be accorded to the Negro by theSouthern white people themselves, and that theywill protect him in the exercise of those rights.Just as soon as the South gets over the old feelingthat it is being forced by "foreigners," or "aliens,"to do something which it does not want to do, Ibelieve that the change in the direction that I have Page 235indicated is going to begin. In fact, there areindications that it is already beginning in a slightdegree.

INDEXAbbott, Dr. Lyman, 230.Aberdeen, Lady, 285.Abolitionists, English, 284.Academy of Music, Richmond,address in, 319.Adams, Lewis, 120, 121.Africa, Negroes missionaries to, 16;Negro cannot improve conditionby emigrating to, 285; studentsfrom, at Tuskegee Institute, 313.Age-Herald, the Birmingham,correspondence with editor of, 256.Agricultural Building at Tuskegee,the Slater-Armstrong, 302.Agriculture in Holland, 278.Alabama Hall, 177-178."Aliens," effect of, on Southerners,234-235.Amanda, Washington's sister, 5, 71.Ancestors, of Washington, 2;disadvantage of having, 35, 39-40;advantage of having, 36-37.Andrew, Governor, 251.Anecdotes, object of repeating, inpubic speaking, 243.Anthony, Susan B., 285.Antwerp, Belgium, Washington in,277.Armstrong, General Samuel C.,54-57, 94, 97, 106; benefit toWashington of contact with, 73; helpsTuskegee Institute financially,146; visits Tuskegee, 55, 163,293-294; death of, 295.Atkinson, Governor G. W., 290, 291.Atlanta, Ga., Washington addressesChristian Workers at, 204-205,address at opening of InternationalExposition at, 206, 210-225.Atlanta Exposition, the, 206; Hamptonand Tuskegee represented at,209; Washington's address, 210-225;President Cleveland at, 227-228; Washington appointed judgeof, 233.Attucks, Crispus, 254.Audience, the best, 245; Washington'slargest, 253-254; the English,287.Auditorium, Chicago, Jubileeaddresses in the, 253-255.Authority, respect for, amongNegroes, 168-169.Baldwin, William H., 216.Ballot, justice to Negro concerninghis, 235-237. See Franchise."Banking and discount" favouritestudy among Negroes, 122.Barrows, Dr. John H., 254.Baths, at Hampton, 58; Negroes inMalden taught use of, 75; atTuskegee, 175.Battle at Malden between Negroesand whites, 78.Bed-clothes, lack of, at Tuskegee,167-168.Bedford, Rev. Robert C., 157-158, 161. Page 322Begging, science of, 180-181; Washington avoids, 182.Belgium, trip through, 278.Bell, Alexander Graham, 297.Benefits of slavery, 16-17.Bible, use and value of the, 67.Bible Training School at Tuskegee,260, 312.Bicknell, Hon. Thomas W., 199."Big house," the, 9.Biography, Washington's fondnessfor, 263.Birmingham, England, Washingtonvisits, 284.Black Belt of the South, 299, 301;defined, 108.Blind, Royal College for the,Commencement exercises of the, 285."Blue-back" spelling-book, the, 27, 31.Boarding department begun atTuskegee, 159-161; growth of, 177.Boggs E. L., 290.Book, Washington's first, 27.Boston, money-raising experiencesin, 184-185; dedication of ShawMemorial in, 249-253; meetingin Hollis Street Theatre in, 270;first meeting of National NegroBusiness League in, 316.Boyhood days, Washington's, 23-42.Brickmaking at Tuskegee, 150-153.Bright, John, 284.Bristol, England, Washington speaksin, 284-285.Bruce, Senator B. K., 86, 89.Bruce, Mrs. B. K., 259.Brussels, Washington visits, 278.Bryce, James, 283.Buffalo, N.Y., address before NationalEducational Association in,317.Bullock, Governor, of Georgia, 86,217, 241.Business League, National Negro,316.Business men make best audiences,245."Call to preach," prevalence of,among coloured people, 82; oneold Negro's, 128.Campbell, George W., 120, 146.Canal-boat trip through Holland,278.Cards, Washington not fond of,266.Carnegie, Andrew, 190-192.Carney, Sergeant William H., 252,253.Carpetbaggers, 86."Cat-hole," the, 3."Cavalier among Roundheads, a,"240.Chapel, donation for, at Tuskegee,190; President McKinley speaksin, 307-308.Charleston, W. Va., capital movedto, 92; reception to Washingtonin, 289-291.Chattanooga, address at, 248.Cheating white man, the, 166, 237.Chicago, University of, addresses at,253-255.Choate, Hon. Joseph H., 283, 284.Christian Endeavour societies, helpof, in Tuskegee work, 193;addresses before, 247.Christian Endeavour Society atTuskegee, 198.Christian Union, letter fromWashington in the, 230.Christian Workers, Washingtonaddresses meeting of, at Atlanta,204-205.Christmas, first, at Tuskegee, 133.Churches burned by Ku Klux Klan,78.Civil War, the, 8, 10. Page 323Clark, Mr. and Mrs., of Street,England, 284.Cleanliness the first law atTuskegee, 174-175.Clemens, Samuel L., 284.Cleveland, Grover, letter toWashington from, 227; at the AtlantaExposition, 227-228; Washington'sopinion of, 228.Clock, young Washington and the,32.Clocks in Negro cabins, 113.Clothing, barrels of, from the North,60.Coal-mining in West Virginia, 38-39.Cobden, Richard, Washington a guestof the daughter of, 284.College men third best audiences toaddress, 247.Colour prejudice, 228-229, 289; athotels, 47, 157.Coloured Women's Clubs, NationalFederation of, 268.Commencement, at Hampton, 94; of Royal College for the Blind,London, 285; at Harvard, 295-302."Commercial and civil relations,"Washington pleads for blottingout of race prejudice in, 256.Conference, first Negro, 315;Workers', at Tuskegee, 316.Connecticut, Washington first visits,74.Corn, parched, used for coffee, 10.Corner-stone of first building atTuskegee laid, 143-144.Cotton formerly chief product atTuskegee, 113.Cotton States Exposition. SeeAtlanta Exposition.Couch, George S., 290.Courtesy of white Southernerstoward Washington, 169-171.Courtney, Dr. Samuel E., 96Cranks, experiences with, 256-258,264."Credit is capital," 146.Creelman, James, 238.Criticism of South, place for, is theSouth, 201.Crystal Palace, London, Washingtonspeaks in the, 285.Cuba, students from, at Tuskegee,313.Curry, Hon. J. L. M., 194-195, 247,305.Davidson, Miss Olivia A., 124-126,131, 140, 141, 212; marriage toWashington, 198; death, 198-199.Dawson, William M. O., 290.Debating societies at Hampton, 68.Debating society at Malden, 76.Degree, Washington's Harvard, 250,295-302.Devotional exercises at Tuskegee,270.Dickinson, John Q., 290.Dining room, first, at Tuskegee159-161; present, 162.Donald, Rev. E. Winchester, 189-190.Donations, first, to TuskegeeInstitute, 131-132, 138; for newbuilding at Tuskegee, 140; from theNorth, 141-143; many that arenever made public, 182-183; fromgentleman near Stamford, 186-187; any philanthropic work mustdepend mainly on small, 192-193.Douglass, Frederick, 99-100, 284,288.Drunkenness at Christmas time,133-134.Du Bois, Dr. W. E. B., 270.Dumb animals, Negroes' kindnessto, 282.Dunbar, Paul Lawrence, 270.Education, Washington's theory of,for Negro, 203.Educational Department of AtlantaExposition, Washington a judgeof, 233.Educational test suggested for franchise,84, 237.El Caney, black regiments at, 255.Eliot, President Charles W., 296,297, 298, 299.Emancipation Proclamation, 5, 15,21.England, Washington in, 282-288."Entitles," Negroes', 24, 123.Essex Hall, London, Washington'saddress in, 283.Europe, Mr. and Mrs. Washington'svisit to, 262, 271-288.Examination, a "sweeping," 52, 163,281.Executive council at Tuskegee, 259.Fame a weapon for doing good, 296.Federation of Southern ColouredWomen's Clubs, 268.Fiction, Washington's opinion of,263.Fisk University, Miss Margaret J.Murray a graduate of, 267.Five-minute speech, an important,at Atlanta, 204-205.Flax, clothes made from, 11.Forbes, John M., 251."Foreday" visits, 133."Foreigners," feeling in Southtoward, 234-235.Fort Pillow, coloured soldiers at,255.Fortress Monroe, Washington worksin restaurant at, 64-65.Fortune, T. Thomas, 316.Fort Wagner, coloured soldiers at,251, 252, 255.Foster, Hon. M. F., 194.Framingham, Mass., Miss Davidsonstudent at Normal School at, 123,Portia Washington at, 274.Franchise, property or educationaltest suggested for, 84; same lawfor both Negroes and whites recommended, 86-87; injury towhites of depriving Negro of, 165-166; belief that justice will bedone Negro in matter of, 234-235.Franklin County, Va., Washingtonborn in, 1.Freedom, granted to Negroes, 19-22; interest in, in England, 284.Friendship, an Englishman's, 287-288.Friesland, voyage on the, 275.Frissell, Dr. Hollis B., 106, 295."Frolic," the Christmas, 135.Fuller, Chief Justice, 279.Future of Negro, 202.Gaines, Bishop, 207.Games, Washington's lack of interestin, 266.Garrison, Francis J., 271, 274, 283.Garrison, William Lloyd, 7, 284.Gilman, Dr. D. C., 232-233.Ginger-cakes, incident of the, 10.Gladstone, Washington comparedto, 240.Graduates of Tuskegee send annualcontributions, 193.Grady, Henry, 238, 240.Grant, Bishop, 207."Grape-vine" telegraph, 8, 19.Great men, education of contactwith, 55.Greek and Latin learning, crazeamong Negroes for, 80, 81.Guitar lesson, story of the, 94.Hale's Ford, Washington's birth-place, 1.Hampton Institute, Washington Page 325first hears of, 42; resolves toattend, 43; journey to, 46-50; astudent at, 53-74; John andJames Washington attend, 76-77;character-building result of trainingat, 87-88; Washington revisits,94-95; Washington returnsas a teacher, 97; represented atAtlanta Exposition, 209; underDr. Frissell, 295.Hare, Charles W., 304.Harlan, Justice, 279.Harper, President William R., 253.Harrison, Benjamin, 279.Harvard, Washington's honorarydegree from, 250, 295-302.Hat, Washington's first, 33.Hemenway, Mrs. Mary, 125.Herford, Dr. Brooke, 283.Higginson, Henry L., 272.Hirsch, Rabbi Emil G., 254.Hodnett, Father Thomas P., 254.Holland, Washington's trip through,277-278.Hollis Street Theatre, Boston,meeting in, 270.Holstein cattle in Holland, 278."Honour roll" at Hampton, 73.Hotel, Washington refusedadmittance to, 47 ; no trouble at, inNorthampton, Mass., 157."House father," Washington as, toIndians at Hampton, 97-98.House of Commons, visit to the,285.Howell, Albert, Jr., 217.Howell, Clark, 225-226, 239.Huntington, Collis P., 188-189.Indians at Hampton, 97-99.Industrial departments at TuskegeeInstitute, 311.Industrial education, value of, 126-127, 154-156; growth of belief inworth of, 166; importance of,impressed on Negroes in addresses,206; advantages of, dwelt on inAtlanta Exposition address, 218-220; at present time at Tuskegee,312. See Labour.International Congress of Women in London, 285.International Exposition. See Atlanta Exposition.Intoxication, prevalence of, atChristmas time, 133-134.Ireland, Archbishop, 279.Iroquois Hotel, Buffalo, public leveein, 317.Jackson, Andrew, 254.Jamaica, students from, at Tuskegee,313.Janitor, Washington installed as, atHampton, 53.Jesup, Morris K., 194-195, 247.John F. Slater Fund, the, 194, 195,247.Jubilee exercises in Atlanta, 303,304.Jubilee week in Chicago, 253-256.Kilns, difficulty in making, 151-152.Ku Klux Klan, the, 77-79.Labour, in ante-bellum days badgeof degradation in South, 17; dignityof, 72-74, 148; coloured ministerclaims that God has cursedall, 135; new students at Tuskegeeobject to manual, 155-156;means of avoiding troublessuggested, 172. See IndustrialEducation.La Follette, L. M., 290.Laidley, George S., 291.Lawrence, Bishop William, 270, 298.Lee, Colonel Henry, 251.Letter, from Miss Mary F. Mackie,72; from Alabama men to General Page 326Armstrong, 106-107, toAndrew Carnegie, 191-192; fromPresident Cleveland, 227; fromDr. D. C. Gilman, 233; from BookerT. Washington, 269; from citizensof Charleston, W. Va., 289, 290;from President Eliot, 295-296;from John Addison Porter, 310.Library, Washington's first, 45; first,at Tuskegee, 190; funds for new,supplied by Andrew Carnegie, 191-192, on the St. Louis, 288.Lieutenant-governor, a coloured,85.Lincoln, Abraham, Washington'smother prays for, 7; mentioned8, 309; Washington's patron saintin literature, 263. Live stock, fine breeds at Hampton,66, first, at Tuskegee, 139;Washington's individual, 265; inHolland, 278.Lodge, Henry Cabot, 299.Logan, Warren, 158-159, 259.London, Washington visits, 282-288.Long, John D., 308-309.Lord, Miss Nathalie, 67.Louisiana State ConstitutionalConvention, letter on lynching to the,318.Lovejoy, Elijah P., 7.Lumber supplied on strength ofWashington's word, 140.Luxembourg Palace, American Negro's painting in, 280.Lynching, Washington writes ope




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